Instant Feedback

Instant Feedback for Trainers is an exercise designed to help trainers refine their ability to make intuitive decisions during a session. At key moments, pause briefly to reflect on your actions by asking yourself the question, “Is this intervention coming from intuition or habit?” This moment of self-awareness allows you to assess whether your decisions are guided by deeper insights or automatic patterns.

The practice helps trainers fine-tune their intuitive decision-making by cultivating awareness of their internal processes. Over time, this habit strengthens confidence in using intuition while fostering a reflective mindset.

This practice is inspired by Rick Snyder’s work in Decisive Intuition, which emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and reflective practices for intuitive decision-making.

⏰  Time needed: Up to 10 mins 

🎓  Learning style: Kinesthetic, Reading, Writing

📈  Level of experience: Medium

🧑‍🏫  At which training phase: During (for use during a session)

⭐  Competences: Engaging in regular self-reflection on training, Building confidence in using intuitive skills.