Discovering Your Ikigai and Intuitive Skills

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” It is a holistic framework used to find purpose and fulfillment in life by aligning four fundamental elements: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. This balance is believed to lead to a sense of satisfaction and meaning in both personal and professional contexts.

Helps participants gain clarity on their purpose, align their work with their passions and skills, and integrate intuitive practices into their training.

⏰  Time needed: More than 90 mins but you can work with it in long-term personal development process. 

🎓  Learning style: Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic, Reading/Writing

📈  Level of experience:Advanced

🧑‍🏫  At which training phase: During (for use during a session)

⭐  Competences: Developing awareness of intuitive insights., Building confidence in using intuitive skills., Creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming learning space.