How to include your ego in trainings

This short clip is from REAL Academy’s new Masterclass series: Sitting with the Elders.

How to empower yourself and your learners

This will help to clear up the what we call entanglement and makes it easier for the learners to learn and for you to teach.

How not to become the mother of your learners

An article by Bert Hellinger (May 2003) on the orders of helping

Embodiment movements to connect to your intuition

These movements are based on martial arts and help you to connect to your body and thus to your intuition.

Discover which inner position help you to give better (intuitive) trainings

Getting to know the different I-positions or sub-persons in yourself in order to recognize them when you give trainings. By identifying with them you learn how the influence you both positive and negative in your work.

Whole Brain Living

In this book, neuro scientist Jill Bolte who has suffered from a stroke, explains how our brains work.

My Stroke of Insight – about becoming one

This book describes the stroke that neuro scientist Jill Bolte has had.

Opening up for intuition

This visualization by Martijn Meima helps you to ground yourself and become more quiet.

Stepping in the shoes of the group

This is a small constellation format that you can use to sense the energy and needs of the group that you will train.

Intuitively tuning into the energy of the group

Use this meditation to tune into the energy of a group.