Tap into the Archetypal Energy of a Group

This webinar gives you a first idea of how you can use your intuition by looking through the archetypal glasses to a situation.

YOCO cards* (Coaching cards in project “APEL” with strong focus on leadership)

YOCO cards are designed to facilitate intuitive development and self-awareness among trainers and participants.

The 1% method – minimum change, maximum effect

The 1% Method, popularized by James Clear in his book "Atomic Habits," is a strategy for achieving significant results through small, incremental changes.

The Way of Nagomi: Live More Harmoniously the Japanese Way

The Way of Nagomi is a Japanese philosophy emphasizing living harmoniously by balancing positive and negative experiences. It promotes peace of mind, emotional balance, and overall well-being.


The Prosilience Toolbox is designed to provide CVET (Continuing Vocational Education and Training) trainers with a comprehensive set of methods and resources aimed at building professional resilience, referred to as "prosilience."

Discovering Your Ikigai and Intuitive Skills

Working with archetypes is a way to connect to your inner wisdom.

How to connect to your inner wisdom

Working with archetypes is a way to connect to your inner wisdom.

How to empower yourself and your learners

This will help to clear up the what we call entanglement and makes it easier for the learners to learn and for you to teach.

How not to become the mother of your learners

An article by Bert Hellinger (May 2003) on the orders of helping

Embodiment movements to connect to your intuition

These movements are based on martial arts and help you to connect to your body and thus to your intuition.