Tap into the Archetypal Energy of a Group

This webinar gives you a first idea of how you can use your intuition by looking through the archetypal glasses to a situation.

The 1% method – minimum change, maximum effect

The 1% Method, popularized by James Clear in his book "Atomic Habits," is a strategy for achieving significant results through small, incremental changes.

The Way of Nagomi: Live More Harmoniously the Japanese Way

The Way of Nagomi is a Japanese philosophy emphasizing living harmoniously by balancing positive and negative experiences. It promotes peace of mind, emotional balance, and overall well-being.

What is your preferred channel of intuition?

Martijn Meima explains that intuition comes in 6 flavours or 6 intuitive channels. Watch the video and then reflect on how intuition works for you.

Discovering Your Ikigai and Intuitive Skills

Working with archetypes is a way to connect to your inner wisdom.

Opening up for a deeper layer – moving questions

In her book Moving Questions, Siets Bakker describes how you can open yourself for connecting on a deeper layer.

How to include your ego in trainings

This short clip is from REAL Academy’s new Masterclass series: Sitting with the Elders.

Whole Brain Living

In this book, neuro scientist Jill Bolte who has suffered from a stroke, explains how our brains work.

My Stroke of Insight – about becoming one

This book describes the stroke that neuro scientist Jill Bolte has had.