Free writing

Free writing is an exercise where individuals write continuously for a set time (10-15 minutes) without self-censorship or concern for grammar, spelling, or structure. The goal is to allow subconscious thoughts to emerge, revealing fears, desires, or hidden beliefs. Over time, this practice strengthens intuitive confidence by fostering a connection between emotions and insights. This exercise is particularly useful for trainers seeking to deepen their intuitive skills and gain self-awareness, as it encourages regular self-reflection and emotional clarity.

This concept originates from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and is further advocated by Emily Sadowski as a means of connecting with subconscious thoughts to develop intuition.

⏰  Time needed: Up to 20 mins 

🎓  Learning style: Reading, Writing

📈  Level of experience: Easy

🧑‍🏫  At which training phase: During (for use during a session)

⭐  Competences: Recognizing and acknowledging emotions (self and others)., Engaging in regular self-reflection on training., Developing awareness of intuitive insights.