Resonance circles

Resonance Circles is a group methodology that fosters intuitive peer-to-peer learning by encouraging participants to deeply resonate with and reflect on the ideas shared by others. This method creates a collaborative learning environment where participants can tap into shared insights and collective intuition.

To implement a Resonance Circle, organize a group of participants in a circular formation to ensure equal engagement. One participant shares a thought, idea, or experience while others listen attentively, focusing on how the shared message resonates with their own experiences. After the speaker finishes, the listeners offer reflections, not as critiques but as intuitive feedback, highlighting what resonated most deeply with them. This feedback is offered in the form of personal insights or questions, helping the speaker refine or expand their understanding intuitively.

This practice strengthens intuitive awareness, promotes empathetic listening, and builds a sense of connection within the group. Over time, Resonance Circles encourage trainers to adapt their teaching based on collective insights, enhancing their ability to respond intuitively to group dynamics.

This method is inspired by Peter Senge and Otto Scharmer’s Theory U, which emphasizes deep listening, resonance, and reflective practices for intuitive and collaborative learning.

⏰  Time needed: Up to 30 mins 

🎓  Learning style: Reading, Writing

📈  Level of experience: Medium

🧑‍🏫  At which training phase: During

⭐  Competences: Developing awareness of intuitive insights., Creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming learning space., Using methods that foster deep learning and intuitive growth.