Square Breathing

Square Breathing is a calming exercise designed to center your mind and body before a session. To practice, sit comfortably with your back straight and feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes if it feels comfortable. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4, filling your lungs completely. Hold the breath for 4 counts, noticing the stillness. Slowly exhale through your mouth for 4 counts, releasing tension. After the exhale, pause and hold your breath for another 4 counts before starting the next cycle.

Repeat this process for 5-6 cycles. As you focus on your breath, allow distracting thoughts to drift away, bringing your attention to the present moment. This exercise clears your mind, reduces stress, and helps create a calm, focused mental state, preparing you to lead or participate in the session with clarity and confidence.

This practice is derived from breathwork techniques popularized by Dr. Andrew Weil, focusing on mindful breathing for stress reduction and enhanced focus.

⏰  Time needed: 5 mins 

🎓  Learning style: Visual, Kinesthetic, Reading, Writing

📈  Level of experience: Easy

🧑‍🏫  At which training phase: Before (for preparation before a session)

⭐  Competences: Being fully present during the session, Developing awareness of intuitive insights.