Stepping in the shoes of the group

This is a small constellation format that you can use to sense the energy and needs of the group that you will train. It helps you to already sense what is needed and what you can do.

1. Write the following on different pieces of paper
– your name
– the name of the group
– the name of the training

2. Place these pieces of paper in the room as if you were placing 3 people. So they should have a direction.

3. Step on the piece of paper with your name. Experience how it is in this position. Sense your body, your emotions, your thoughts, your energy. How do you relate to the others? Do you feel connected? What kind of connection?

4. Step of the piece of paper and step on the piece of paper with the name of the group.
What do you sense here? Here you can tap into the needs of the group, their desires, the themes they need to work on? You can also sense how the group relates to you (your piece of paper) and to the training.

5. Step of the piece of paper of the group and onto the piece of paper of the training. Now you can sense what the training is about (in the more intuitive layer). Maybe you can access information about the exercises, the vibe of the training, the speed, or rhythm of the training. How does the training relate to you (your piece of paper) and to the group?

6. Step of the piece of paper of the group and step on your piece of paper. Sense how it is there now, knowing and having sensed all the information.

You might also want to move a piece of paper when you stand on it. Just follow your body.
You can also do another round of sensing to get more information.

⏰  Time needed: Up to 10 mins

🎓  Learning style: Kinesthetic, Reading/Writing

📈  Level of experience: Medium

🧑‍🏫  At which training phase: Before

⭐  Competences: Developing awareness of intuitive insights., Building confidence in using intuitive skills., Adapting training based on intuitive group insights., Creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming learning space.