Tap into the Archetypal Energy of a Group

This webinar gives you a first idea of how you can use your intuition by looking through the archetypal glasses to a situation. You’ll learn what archetypes are and how they influence our day-to-day behaviour, both of us as teachers, but also of our students. When you approach situations using archetypes, it gives you a universal language to use in a dialogue with each other.

⏰  Time needed: Up to 60 mins 

🎓  Learning style: Visual, Audio

📈  Level of experience: Easy

🧑‍🏫  At which training phase: During (for use during a session)

⭐  Competences: Being fully present during the session., Recognizing and acknowledging emotions (self and others)., Engaging in regular self-reflection on training., Developing awareness of intuitive insights., Building confidence in using intuitive skills., Adapting training based on intuitive group insights., Creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming learning space.