Teach Me to Fly

Pair up: one person is a little eaglet, and the other is a big eagle. The big eagle’s task is to teach the eaglet to fly—without using words. Then, they switch roles. For large groups, the entire group can be split into two halves. One half observes the process while the other participates, and then they switch.

Expected Result: Improved non-verbal teaching and emotional connection.

⏰  Time needed: Up to 30 mins

🎓  Learning style: Kinesthetic, Visual

📈  Level of experience: Easy

🧑‍🏫  At which training phase: During (for use during a session), Ongoing (for continuous use and development)

⭐  Competences: Being fully present during the session., Respecting the trainee’s autonomy in their learning process., Recognizing and acknowledging emotions (self and others)., Developing awareness of intuitive insights.,
Building confidence in using intuitive skills., Using methods that foster deep learning and intuitive growth.