Resource Library

find the right resource or tool to elevate your intuitive approach
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Addressing difficult situations

This exercise is designed to help trainers trust their intuition when faced with challenging moments during a session.

Blindfolded Trust Walk

Goal: Enhancing sensory awareness and trust in intuition.

Body awareness through touch

This exercise encourages participants to explore the therapeutic power of self-touch as a means to deepen body awareness and connect emotionally with themselves.

Breathwork and Intuition

This webinar gives you a first idea of how you can use your intuition by looking through the archetypal glasses to a situation.

Candle lighting

Candle Lighting is a simple yet powerful ritual to create a calm and focused environment before a training session.

Capture your flashes

Capture Your Flashes is an exercise designed to help you recognize and trust intuitive insights.

Curiosity dance and music

Curiosity Dance and Music is a dynamic group activity designed to awaken intuition by blending playful movement and collaborative music creation.

Dance Your Name

Goal: Embodying intuitive movement and transformation. Warming up.

Dialoguing with yourself through music

Dialoguing with Yourself Through Music is a reflective exercise that uses a specific piece of music to facilitate a deep and meaningful connection with your inner self.

Discover which inner position help you to give better (intuitive) trainings

Getting to know the different I-positions or sub-persons in yourself in order to recognize them when you give trainings. By identifying with them you learn how the influence you both positive and negative in your work.

Discovering Your Ikigai and Intuitive Skills

Working with archetypes is a way to connect to your inner wisdom.

Dragon and Shield

A great dynamic warm up game.

Embodiment movements to connect to your intuition

These movements are based on martial arts and help you to connect to your body and thus to your intuition.

Energy Matching

Goal: Tuning into non-verbal, energetic cues from others.

Energy sharing

This exercise is designed to help participants build intuitive connections and mutual support. In pairs, each participant begins by reflecting on any physical or emotional area where they feel they need support, such as tension in the shoulders or an emotional difficulty.

Film screen

This resource helps you see emotions and thoughts for what they are - passing experiences, not permanent realities.

Finding Your Object

Goal: Strengthening intuitive object recognition and spatial awareness.

Follow the Invisible Thread

Goal: Deepening intuitive connection with the environment and others.

Free writing

Free writing is an exercise where individuals write continuously for a set time (10-15 minutes) without self-censorship or concern for grammar, spelling, or structure.

Grocery Store Yes/No

Grocery Store Yes/No is a fun, practical exercise that strengthens somatic awareness and intuitive decision-making.

Grounding through cleaning

Grounding Through Cleaning is a mindfulness practice that helps trainers prepare for a session by creating a calm and focused environment.

How not to become the mother of your learners

An article by Bert Hellinger (May 2003) on the orders of helping

How to connect to your inner wisdom

Working with archetypes is a way to connect to your inner wisdom.

How to empower yourself and your learners

This will help to clear up the what we call entanglement and makes it easier for the learners to learn and for you to teach.

How to include your ego in trainings

This short clip is from REAL Academy’s new Masterclass series: Sitting with the Elders.

Instant feedback

Instant Feedback for Trainers is an exercise designed to help trainers refine their ability to make intuitive decisions during a session.

Instantly switching on your intuition

Make a routine of instantly switching on your intuition by using this powerful and short practice.

Intuition Training Exercises

This resource (link) provides practical exercises on how to generally use and assess intuition.

Intuitive Storytelling

Goal: Accessing creative intuition in the moment.

Intuitive Time Perception

The participants are blindfolded and standing in a circle. The host has a stopwatch and a sheet of paper.

Intuitive Wander

Intuitive Wander is an exercise designed to build trust in your inner sense of direction and enhance intuitive decision-making.

Intuitively tuning into the energy of the group

Use this meditation to tune into the energy of a group.

Journaling after a session

Journaling After a Session is a practical exercise that encourages trainers to reflect on their use of intuition during training sessions.


Laughter has a way of clearing the mind and bringing you into the present moment. This exercise uses laughter to help you step out of overthinking and into a state of natural awareness.

Listen to your gut

Listen to Your Gut is an exercise designed to enhance awareness of intuition by focusing on physical sensations, particularly in the gut.

My Stroke of Insight – about becoming one

This book describes the stroke that neuro scientist Jill Bolte has had.

Observe your energy levels

Observe Your Energy Levels is an intuitive exercise designed to increase awareness of how energy shifts in social interactions.

Opening up for a deeper layer – moving questions

In her book Moving Questions, Siets Bakker describes how you can open yourself for connecting on a deeper layer.

Opening up for intuition

This visualization by Martijn Meima helps you to ground yourself and become more quiet.

Pairing by Eye Contact

Expected Result: Strengthened intuitive connection.

Poetry and Intuition

Step into a space where poetry and intuition meet. Through gentle reflection and creative play, we’ll uncover how words can reveal and connect us.


Preparing with Prayer is a ritual to ground yourself and create a sense of focus and connection before starting a session.


Projection is a psychological concept that explains how individuals unconsciously transfer their inner emotions, unresolved issues, or traits onto the external world.


The Prosilience Toolbox is designed to provide CVET (Continuing Vocational Education and Training) trainers with a comprehensive set of methods and resources aimed at building professional resilience, referred to as "prosilience."

Psychology and philosophy of intuition

This article provides a thoughtful exploration of the philosophical and psychological dimensions of intuition.

Quick emotional check-in

The Quick Emotional Check-In is a simple and effective exercise designed to help trainers distinguish between emotional reactions and intuitive insights.

Reading group energy

Reading Group Energy helps trainers tune into the emotional state of their group and adjust their approach accordingly.

Resonance circles

Resonance Circles is a group methodology that fosters intuitive peer-to-peer learning by encouraging participants to deeply resonate with and reflect on the ideas shared by others.

Sculptures of Intuition

Expected Result: Heightened body awareness and creative interpretation.

Search for the self

This resource is designed to help participants experience their own presence beyond words and thoughts. It is a simple yet profound way to cultivate intuitive self-awareness.

Shape Shifting

Goal: Strengthening intuitive object recognition and spatial awareness.

Silent meditation

Silent Meditation is a practice designed to help trainers access deeper intuition by creating a calm and focused state of mind.

Square breathing

Square Breathing is a calming exercise designed to center your mind and body before a session.

Stepping in the shoes of the group

This is a small constellation format that you can use to sense the energy and needs of the group that you will train.

Tap into the Archetypal Energy of a Group

This webinar gives you a first idea of how you can use your intuition by looking through the archetypal glasses to a situation.

Teach Me to Fly

Expected Result: Improved non-verbal teaching and emotional connection.

The 1% method – minimum change, maximum effect

The 1% Method, popularized by James Clear in his book "Atomic Habits," is a strategy for achieving significant results through small, incremental changes.

The magic path of intuition

The Magic Path of Intuition is a simple yet profound book by Florence Scovel Shinn, containing original and previously unpublished texts.

The Oracle Circle

Goal: Practicing intuitive responses and deep listening.

The Role of the Co-Facilitator

Expected Result: More efficient and responsive facilitation.

The source of thought

This resource helps you see how thoughts arise and disappear, making it easier to stop overthinking.

The Way of Nagomi: Live More Harmoniously the Japanese Way

The Way of Nagomi is a Japanese philosophy emphasizing living harmoniously by balancing positive and negative experiences. It promotes peace of mind, emotional balance, and overall well-being.

The Whispering Object

Goal: Strengthening intuitive listening and interpretation skills.

Three-minute meditation

Three-Minute Meditation is a simple and effective practice designed to enhance your intuition and inner awareness.

Tuning into group intuition

Tuning into Intuition with Empathic Listening is an exercise that helps trainers enhance their intuitive abilities by focusing on empathic understanding and active listening.

Types of Intuition Scale

The Types of Intuition Scale is a validated questionnaire designed to measure three distinct types of intuition: holistic, inferential, and affective.

Walking to prepare the space

Walking to Prepare the Space is a mindfulness-based exercise that helps trainers ground themselves while setting up a welcoming and organized environment for their session.

What is Intuition? A Practical Guide

This practical guide introduces a series of exercises designed to help individuals develop and refine their intuition.

What is intuitive pedagogy?

Intuitive pedagogy puts emphasis on the use of body exercises and playful activities to overcome mental blocks and enhance intuitive abilities.

What is your preferred channel of intuition?

Martijn Meima explains that intuition comes in 6 flavours or 6 intuitive channels. Watch the video and then reflect on how intuition works for you.

Who is the viewer?

This exercise helps you step back and observe your own thoughts. Instead of getting caught up in them, you learn to watch them as if they were passing clouds.

Whole Brain Living

In this book, neuro scientist Jill Bolte who has suffered from a stroke, explains how our brains work.

YOCO cards* (Coaching cards in project “APEL” with strong focus on leadership)

YOCO cards are designed to facilitate intuitive development and self-awareness among trainers and participants.